what would you do if someone saved YOUR life?

an hour later, after my delivery, i started to feel some blood gushing

i had the nurse check on me
while she was checking me, a nurse was taking care of gray
i started to talk to them about the olden days and how it would be so hard to have a baby back then.
well, just then i started to feel nauseous
i passed out
they called code blue
and the rapid response team came to my rescue!
i woke up to a room full of people
my privacy totally exposed and nurses poking at both arms
found out later i had a blood clot the size of a grapefruit
i asked the nurses what happened
and they told me i had a seizure
what a way to wake up, eh?
poor dusty was in the room and saw the whole thing

that night, i couldn't sleep
i think the reality of what happened set in
i feared that i might not ever wake up again
then the tears came pouring as i thought about how blessed i am
to have the technology that we have now
i am so grateful i was in the hospital
i am so grateful the dr's and nurses who were there were there
i am so grateful for my life and for those who work daily to save lives
i am so grateful.clockwise: me before delivery, me after delivery and me the morning after no sleep. :)
so as you can see lots of fluids and no sleep don't really go hand in hand...
you're guaranteed puffy eyes!!! and tears don't help that either!

so back to my question...
what would you do for someone (or all the people) who saved your life?
as i lay in bed that first night, i believe the Spirit prompted me to do what i did.
i got a canister and put individual wrapped life savers
then i labeled it with my picture and put "Everyone Needs a Life Saver... Thanks for Being Mine"
then i got 20 Books of Mormon and wrote up my testimony
for someone who "physically" saved my life, i wanted to help "spiritually" save theirs.
i am so grateful to have the gospel of Jesus Christ in my life.
i know that it is ONLY through learning, knowing and experiencing Christ that I can make it back to live with my Heavenly Father
i know that Christ is my Savior, he knows what we go through and how we feel
i know that we are here on the earth to help others
and i hope that through my experience, i've planted a seed to help save the life of someone else.


James and Casie said...

Oh Linzy... that is so scary! I am so thankful you are alive. You are such an inspiration to me! Even though I don't see you that often I think you. Everytime I see Bud and Bev I always smile!

As a nurse... one thank you is worth it. Many times the thanks isn't given. I am sure they appreciated it.

Ammon & Ali said...

Oh my gosh Linz! I'm glad you are okay! How scary. I'll have to call you soon and catch up. Grayson is super cute! I hope he's being good for you!

Anonymous said...

Oh Linz, you are such a great example I love how you gave out those book of Mormons that is awesome!! What a courageous woman you are, maybe they the (20) will feel the same way you did when they saved your life. when they read the Book of Mormon!!! Love ya jana