hospital pics

here are some more photos from the hospital
cooper playing on the xoom
brack eating chips
cute pics of gray
brack playing on the xoom
dust holding gray
sleeping gray
cooper playing in the water and with the light switches
dr. morris, LOVE HER!
dusty again with gray
and pic of the day... brack picking his nose while playing on the xoom with the other hand! :)
the first photo below brings tears to my eyes
this is the nurse who helped me shower (after three days, it felt WONDERFUL!) :)
she was so good, all my nurses were
but it was her goal of the day to get me to the shower with out passing out on her
she really wanted to help me
i so appreciated her. i could feel her energy
she worked so hard
i slept most the day
the first pic was in the morning and the other pic was that afternoon around 5
showers do wonders!
we are so blessed to be able to go somewhere to have our babies
to be waited on and taken care of
not to mention taking care of the baby... i think i changed one diaper the whole time i was there
it makes me think about the Savior and how he willingly did all that he did for us
we can't make it back to live with our Heavenly Father with out Him
we HAVE to rely on the Savior and use the Atonement to be made whole again
the sacrifice He made for us was selfless
just like these nurses, i would not be here without them.


The Trees said...

Linzy, somehow I missed your blog posts. I just read the last few and am so amazed by your strength and attitude. What a scary experience. I am so glad you are ok. And Grayson is beautiful. Grayson was one of my boy names too, funny. All your boys are adorable. Beautiful family.

Hill said...

Congrats on the new little one! that sound like one scary and crazy story! Hope that you are recovering and loving that new little one. There really is nothing like a new baby.

Unknown said...

I love the pic right after you had Grayson! Where you have no makeup!! CUTE!!!! And the one of coop with his hands barely fitting in his pockets(2 years old). Love the pictures!