whisperings of the spirit

i can't express how grateful i am for the holy ghost
it helps me on a daily, if not minute by minute basis
dusty has taken a new position within bayer so we will be moving
here we go!
we just keep getting further and further away from our families
dusty's grandparents live where we are moving to!
so we WILL have family close!! yipee!
back to these whisperings
we have been in limbo for about a year now as to dusty's job
thought we were moving to minnesota
maybe back to the north-west
maybe to south carolina
maybe we'll stay here and work for a different company
maybe maybe maybe
well. all those maybes can drive a girl CRAZY!
it finally got to the point where i wouldn't even get excited anymore
cuz two days later the "news" would change
talk about a ROLLERCOASTERwell.
one thing's for sure
the LORD knows ALL
after being tossed around
it was finally up to us
we could choose to follow the lord
or take the job with more money
we decided to go with what felt right in our HEART and our MIND
the LORD knows where we need to be
and he knows our future
all we have to do is trust.
and go where he wants us to go
even if we don't want to
i think i've made it past the BITTER stage
i was not a happy camper
i am so tired of moving
brack's in school, he loves it and his friends
cooper has a few buddies he constantly talks about
we are happy here

this week, we've been doing some researching
where to send brackon to school
can we buy a house
or should we rent
the list could go on and on

i decided to focus on the school situation
find a good school and then find a house close byall day, i had a prayer in my heart
just constant
thinking about options
i prayed to know if we should move close by grandparents and go to the school zone he's in
NOPE. didn't feel anything, more like a stupor of thought
well, crap.
i want to live close by him
guess what there are WAY TOO MANY schools to choose from
how would we ever decide on one

i call the school central office
(could barely understand her accent, i had to have her spell some words) lol.
i told them the address we wanted to live by and ask what school would that be
it was the EXACT and only school i felt he SHOULDN'T go to

now what?!
i keep praying
calling people and getting their opinions (those who live there local)
public schools are no good
i found a private Montessori school
decided to give them a call
the nicest lady (and i could actually understand her 'accent')
i got teary-eyed.
THIS is the school
how awesome!

we're going to go check it out next week.
and make sure it will work
i've recently heard of a couple other public schools that could be an option

do you know how the spirit speaks to you?
THAT's how it speaks to me most the time... i just get a little choked up

i was thinking also about where to live
just start to feel "this" area would be best
i called the bishop's wife (luckily there is only one ward)
she confirmed EVERY "prompting" i had
about the school
area to live and not live
i was amazed
it was truly a tender mercy

the lord knows us
and loves us
he is watching over us
he knows what is best for us.
i'm so grateful to be a member of this church.
even though i DO NOT want to move AGAIN
i have to do what the LORD wants me to do.

over the christmas break i went to the temple
strongly felt i was going to need to be supportive of dusty
and go where he feels best
everytime i doubt, this reminder keeps popping in my head.
so grateful for the spirit.


Stephanie said...

Linzy that is amazing. I hate roller-coaster decision rides too. It is nice to know that the Lord is in charge and that things work out for the best! Good Luck in Tennessee!!