
When I get Brackon up in the mornings, he is always turned to the side! He has grown out of these PJ's and is too long for his crib when he is sideways! If you can see his neck tilted to the left... he has been diagnosed with "Left Torticollis". It is very mild. I took him to his first therapy class yesterday. We have to do home therapy. It is not a big deal. Just stretch his neck with each diaper change, give him tummy time 5 to 6 times a day for 3 min. at a time, and gradually increase each week. He has already improved since yesterday. This is why he hasn't rolled over yet. He was kinda colicky when he was born and it could have been because he had reflux, so he didn't like his tummy. His thearpist was very impressed with how well he could sit up. She said severe torticollis babies can't sit up because they can't find the center of their body. He can sit by himself for about 30 minutes. He does put all his weight to one side when he sits, but we are working on that as well! I am supposed to hand his toys to him in his left hand so he will keep his chin next to his shoulder to look over and grab it. If you look at his neck from behind, the muscles are a lot stronger on one side. Also, when his is lying on his back and his head is crocked I have to fix it so his nose and belly button line up. We spent about an hour and a half with Mary, his therapist. She was very patient and seems to love babies. She said he is the cutest baby she has ever seen. Why we are very blessed that his condition is mild: Severe torticollis babies have a flat head on one side, they have to wear a helmet to make it go round again. We don't have to have any diagnostic testing. Brackon is a very smiley baby. We love him! The other day when I was driving to work, I sneezed. He just started laughing! It was so cute. You can bet that I sneezed and he laughed the rest of the way to work!!


Anonymous said...

OH...Physical therapy just like Grandma Lois. Well well...I am glad you found out soon. So how do you get him to sleep STRAIGHT in his bed?..maybe that is part of the problem..trying to fit in the sideways...silly little bunker boy! Arlene

amy said...

oh, linz. That is funny picture. You are the perfect momma to catch that and know what to do and treat him and help him grow out of it. Good for you for taking care of our beautiful little boy. he is the most beautiful little boy in the world. His eyes are so sparkely!

Anonymous said...

I love your reports, you write so well. Brackon is just like his parents...going full steam ahead! He's got the perfect parents.

Anonymous said...

I have never hear of whatever it is. Be diligent in trying to correct it. He is too handsome a baby to have any thing go wrong. Keep us posted. Gma