not what he expected

we had to take a trip to nashville to complete something
coopers dr left unfinished when he was born (re-circumsized)
we told cooper we were going to stay at a hotel
without brackon and grayson
just him and mom and dad
he was so excited
he fell asleep on the two hour drive
and because cooper had to fast the next morning
we stopped to get some food around 9 at night
yea, we were "one of those parents"
with their kids out LATE!
(i guess we can't judge, cuz we never know their circumstances)
 he really woke up when the good stuff came out!

see where he put the clothes he took off!

the next morning
we did a little shopping to pass the time
and distract him from not having breakfast
(cooper WAKES UP ready to eat.
he could only have apple juice until 9 and then nothing
until after his surgery, which was at 1)

just before we were called back
he asked for food
he never asked what was going on
just said he wanted to go home
we just said, when we're done we will go home
and we didn't even know what to tell him that was going to happen
so we didn't say anything
are we mean???

they had him playing in a little car
to make things easy when it was time to take him to the OR
but when we finally realized they were taking him
we felt bad because we didn't even have a chance to tell him
what was going on
so we quickly said they are going to take you
and you're going to sleep for a little
and we will be right back!
he screamed!
the nurse took him from dusty
and he screamed all the way down the hall
it was horrible
his surgery only lasted a half hour
but we waited and waited probably an hour and a half
just for them to prep, surgery, and get him to wake up

he didn't want juice when he woke up
but when he was asked if he wanted a popsicle
he didn't turn it down
he has been doing really well
he will be swollen, red and bruised for a month
the dr said it will look worse than it feels
(does he really know)

a little advice. go find food while you wait :)
i ended up passing out from lack of food, being too hot and seeing blood
as we were walking out,
dusty was carrying cooper
and i was feeling really hot (i had my jacket and scarf on all day)
i had hardly eaten cuz i didn't want to eat in front of cooper
and they said surgery will be an hour
after we saw the dr, he said it would be 20 minutes
so we felt like we couldn't leave to get anything

i told dusty i was going to pass out
just then a nurse walked by and asked if i was okay
i said, no, i'm going to pass out

luckily she got me in a wheel chair
before i hit my head on the ground
it was pretty embarrassing

more advice. if one of your boys' privates look different
than his brothers

and your dr doesn't say anything
get an opinion from another dr.
and don't wait until they're 3 1/2  :)


Jenni said...

so sad linz! poor cooper